Star Project Wiki

These are the main User Interface for the game.

This is the world map. You may choose to go the destination you want to go to by clicking one of the districts.

Full Screen

World Map

Mouse Over

You may mouse over each district and information about the place will pop up as shown.

At the top right corner of the screen, we have the basic interface.


Game User Interface

The icon with the clock shows the current date.

The icon with the star shows how much Stars you have.

The icon with the coins shows how much Gold you have.

It also shows the mood of the star that you at playing and the overall Level of the Star.

The icon with the sun shows the weather. The icon is subjected to change depending on the weather.

The orange bar shows how much energy you have. The max energy you can have is 3000.

The green bar is a timer to time how much time you have till you gain 1 energy. It takes 30 seconds to gain 1 energy. However this can be speed up if you purchase a Recovery Ring.


Then there is the black bar at the bottom of the screen.

Profile This is the Profile Icon. It shows information about the Manager, the company; the relationship between the Manager and her Stars. Trust points of NPCs can also be viewed here.

Star-Profile This is the Star Profile Icon. It shows information about the Star. You can also buy energy related items there.

Clothes This is the Clothes Icon. You can change or buy clothes for your Star.

Gift This is the Gift Bag Icon. It displays the items that you bought from the Gift Shop.

Schedule This is the Schedule Icon. It shows the information of the appointments that you have

.Schedule2 The Schedule Icon will have a number beside it to show if you have an Appointment. The number tells how many Appointment you have.

Message This is the Mailbox Icon. It shows all the mail received and mails with gifts attached.

Message2 When there is a mail, the word new will appear beside the Message Icon.

Forum This is the Forum Icon. It redirects you to the Forum page.

Settings This is the Settings Icon. It allows you to initialize the game and control the volume of music.

FAQ This is the FAQ Icon. Tutorial and FAQ are all found there.

Gold This is the Gold Recharge Icon. It redirects you to the Galaxy Gold Page.


Over the Map, There is a Schedule Icon next to a district.

This shows that you have an appointment at that location.


Then there is an Event Icon beside the Office.


If you click on it, it will tell you the requirements for you to have an Scenario.

Not Fulfill This tells you that you can't start.

MetCriteria This tells you that when you go back to the office, a scenario will be triggered.

Full Screen2

After you select a district to go to, the next screen you go to will be similar to this. It shows you the district you are at, which places are there and which NPCs are at the locations. The location with the Schedule Icon shows you have an Appointment at the location. You also have an option to return to the following screen.

Full Screen3

After choosing the place you want to go, the next screen will similar to this. You may choose to talk to the NPC, give a gift to them, do a Job/Appearance/Lesson, do the Appointment or you may choose to leave. If you have an Appointment Icon beside the Scheduled Work, means you have an Appointment.
